Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictoral Shenanigans.

I try and try and try to upload pictures onto blogspot but have failed and failed and failed. I am still hopeful that I will be able to post some eventually, and am attempting different options, but for now thanks for your patience. I do hope that my words have been able to paint some images for you. ALSO: I was JUST able to post some on facebook so you can check out pictures here:

Also a brief note before my battery dies: thank you for your responses. They are savored and rerereread. They are the majority of my minimal contact with anything off the east coast of Africa, and even though I absolutely love being here, I know coming back in three months will be made easier if I am not completely out of the loop. I'd also love to hear about your lives if ever you feel inclined to drop an email or a note. Don't let anyone get engaged, married, switch careers, move, be born, etc. without filling me in!

Another post summarizing the end of homestays is in the works. Lovelove.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are becoming quite the photog. I especially like pic #5 the red barn with planting and tree. Is it someones home? Tell me about it. I love reading your blogs, Kimi. Your words are like poetry. Darlene